Favorite Public Health, Business, and Learning Podcast Episodes: Summer 2024 Edition

This summer I have been prioritizing movement and increasing my steps. I’m taking a bunch of mini walks throughout the day and one of my favorite things is to pop in my headphones and listen to a podcast while I walk. So I thought it would be fun to share what I’ve been listening to, in a few different categories.

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Accessibility Summer Camp: Key E-Learning Takeaways and Resources

I’ve been pretty jealous of my kids so far this summer. They are enjoying all kinds of amazing camps, including sports broadcasting, theater, pickleball, and nature and hiking camps.

Thankfully, I got to attend my own day of camp last month! Accessibility Summer Camp is a free conference hosted by Wichita State University (WSU Tech) and organized with help from educators and business professionals from around the state of Kansas.

I had the pleasure of attending three sessions and want to share some of the key takeaways and resources that I will be integrating into my instructional design and e-learning work.

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New Podcast Interview Drop: The Power of Specializing (The Biz of Nonprofit Consultants)

Hi friends and followers! I’m excited to share a new podcast interview today.

Natalie Eckdahl was kind enough to invite me onto the Biz of Nonprofit Consultants podcast (Episode #12). I was a huge fan and regular listener to her first pocast (The Biz Chix Podcast), so it was an honor to be invited as a guest early on in the launch of her new podcast! We discussed the changes in my business once I niched and specialized in e-learning instructional design for public health organizations.

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Hot Off The Press: Neurodiversity and Cognitive Load in Online Learning

I’m happy to share my next installment of “Hot Off The Press”, a blog feature where I share emerging research, publications, standards (etc.) that are relevant to making awesome public health courses.

This month I’m highlighting a new article from the journal PLOS One called “Neurodiversity and Cognitive Load in Online Learning: A Focus Group Study” (Le Cunff, Giampietro, and Dommett, 2024).

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Best Practices in E-Learning Spotlight: Designing Online Courses With and For the Autism Community

I’m delighted to announce a new feature on the blog where I highlight public health e-learning projects that I think exemplify best practices and innovative approaches to our work. Today I am interviewing Emily F. Rothman, ScD from Boston University (BU).

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