Please Stop Asking Public Health Consultants To Work For Free


Today’s post was inspired by a recent tweet from a colleague. She shared that the challenge of posting some free content (on YouTube, podcasts, blogs, etc.) is that some people then expect you to share everything you know for free.

This is 100% my experience as well and something that I monitor closely in my business.

Here is why we are frustrated:

(1) We already do lots of stuff for free!

In order to demonstrate our expertise and build connection with potential clients, consultants create lots of free content and resources. We make YouTube videos. We host and guest on podcasts. We write blogs. We create free downloads. We offer free initial consultations. We record free mini courses. We answer *tons* of emails and private messages on social media, directing people to resources, services, and contacts to help with their questions.

We use our *free* time to do this. These are some of the unpaid responsibilities that consultants have. It takes us away from billable client work. It’s important. We typically enjoy it. But please remember that it is TIME CONSUMING.

  • My colleague shared that the creation of just one YouTube video takes 2 people about 4-8 hours of work. Now multiply that by creating weekly videos.

  • Another example is podcasting. Last year Dr. Huntley recorded a behind the scenes episode of her public health careers podcast and shared that the average 30 minute (uncomplicated) episode takes five hours to produce. Now multiply that by creating weekly episodes and adding extra time for longer episodes and technical challenges that inevitably come up.

  • I write this blog (biweekly coming back from maternity leave, but I typically write weekly). I can easily spend 2-5 hours on a single blog post depending on the topic, research, and potential interviews involved.

And this does not even get into the costs we may incur on equipment purchases and upgrades to produce high quality resources.

(2) We have a paid service for that.

For people that want to move beyond our free resources and get tailored help for their specific organization, situation, or data, we offer paid consulting, coaching, strategy, and course sessions. We are offering solutions to a problem you are having. We are giving you the opportunity (often in just a few hours) to tap into knowledge and experience and strategies that have taken us years to build.

Here’s an example of free vs. paid services:

  • Last year I wrote a blog post called: Eight Easy Steps to Audit Your Public Health Consulting Website. You can easily use this resource as a checklist to review and improve your website. You do the work and you do it for free.

  • If you send me your website and ask to “pick my brain” about how to improve it and how to market to your ideal client, then you are asking me to do the work and it’s a paid service.

Sometimes people seem annoyed that we are asking them to pay for our time and expertise. Please don’t do this. Consultants can’t be expected to just give our time away. We bring value. We bring solutions. We bring innovations. We bring all our past education, training, and experience.

You do not have to purchase our products and services if they do not fit your needs or budget. But please do not ask us to work for free.

Tell Me What You Think:

Consultants and freelancers:

  • Have you been asked to provide low or no cost services?

  • How did you respond?