Monthly Public Health Consultant Spotlight: Brooke Mootry, MSW, CHES

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Each month, I will introduce you to a public health consultant or entrepreneur and they will share their path to self-employment and outline key pieces of advice for aspiring business owners.

Today we welcome Brooke Mootry from Atlanta, Georgia (USA)!

1. Please share your educational background and business title/name.

I am the CEO of The Public Health Network.

Degrees and Certifications:

BS: Community Health Education

MSW: Master of Social Work

CHES: Certified Health Education Specialist

2. Tell us how you entered the field of public health and what your education and work experience was prior to consulting or starting your own business.

I discovered public health during my sophomore year at Florida State University.  Initially, I was a pre-med major, but Chemistry II and I spoke different love languages.  We were not compatible and mutually agreed to separate.  I became fascinated by public health theory and how models can predict or influence an individual’s health, which ultimately affects their life trajectory.  I graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Community Health Education and minor in African American studies.  While working as a Health Educator, I earned my master’s degree in Social Work.   I became a Certified Health Education Specialist several years ago and was invited to participate in setting the standards for their credentialing exam.   Much of my public health career has involved working for local and state health departments to manage and implement HIV, adolescent health and tobacco prevention programs. 

3. When did you start your business and what were your motivations for pursuing self-employment?

The motivation to create The Public Health Network started several years ago from an on-going need I experienced firsthand as a Manager.  When positions became vacant, I worked with HR to post the position or hire temporary staff.  Often, the lag time from vacant to filled resulted in missed project deadlines and increased work spread across existing staff.  I’ve also experienced the frustration of sorting through an insurmountable number of applications and interviews to find candidates with the perfect blend of education and experience needed to excel in the position.  Each step in this process can be time consuming and directly impact the progress of the project or service. 

The Public Health Network is the solution for non-profits, foundations, government and any agency in need of qualified public health professionals or temporary staff.  Our efficiency in the screening and selection process results in less time onboarding compared to hires made by general staffing companies.  The Public Health Network was established to meet the needs of professionals and the organizations in which they work.   Our mantra is “Look Forward to Mondays.”  Studies reveal that the average professional commits more than 90,000 hours of their life to working.  We believe these hours should be met with excitement, passion and enthusiasm.  But far too often many professionals are rattled with frustration, anxiety and boredom settling for careers in spaces they have outgrown or are no longer served by.  At The Public Health Network, we aim to empower our clients to fulfill their professional potential. 

4. Who is your ideal client? What services do you offer? 

The Public Health Network has two “ideal clients.”  Our ideal development client recognizes the importance of professional development and its relationship to career and personal growth.  Whether a recent graduate or established professional, we offer customized services tailored to the client’s needs including personalized career plans and resume services. 

Our second ideal client is an agency or organization that understands the value and time-saved working with a recruitment and staffing firm that specializes in public health.  We work with the client to draft the job description, source and screen candidates and present only those most qualified and best fit for the position. 

Each of our Consultants has professional public health experience and understands the unique needs of our clients.  At The Public Health Network: We Know Public Health, We Understand Public Health, We Are Public Health.

5. Do you have a particular product or service that you’d like to highlight? Tell us all about it!

The Public Health Network offers the opportunity for professionals to join our database which is our initial resource for sourcing candidates to fill positions.  I encourage your audience to upload their resume to our website to become a potential candidate for job opportunities that match their interest and experience.

6. Many of our readers are considering a career as a self-employed public health consultant or entrepreneur. What is your best piece of advice for those considering or just starting out?

My advice to those interested in becoming a public health entrepreneur is to begin with a serious “gut check.”  Entrepreneurship can be an exciting, overwhelming and unpredictable journey.  If you are not passionate about your business, the journey becomes even more difficult.  Also, I recommend individuals spend time researching their idea to understand the market of public health services and how you can be unique in your approach or specialization.  Finally, consider narrowing your focus as you establish the business to prevent over-extension.  It’s best to be effective in one area, rather than average in several. 

7. How can readers connect with you? Please share links to relevant websites and social media accounts:

Readers can connect with me via my website, LinkedIn company page, and Instagram.